Enabling/Disabling Services in Fedora 12

I have been having trouble with my sshd service.
I use SSH to log in to my home computer and manage things like the hours I work and such, and sometimes when I restart my computer I forget to turn it back on.

But thanks to this site I figured out how to manage services from the command line and now I’ve set both sshd and httpd to start at start-up. Which makes it easier.

But to sum up:
Log in as root with su and then run chkconfig --list to view which services are enabled at which runlevel (runlevels are explained on the linked page). Then to enable services use

chkconfig --level 35 sshd on

specifying runlevels 3 and 5 here and turning the sshd deamon on.

This helps me, now I can’t forget to turn on sshd and my boss won’t have to fear that I might not be able to log in to my home computer so much anymore.

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